Expect the best

Just a quick note to start the week.

Hey girl,

How are you? How is your heart? How have you been handling life? What's up?… I'm not asking because it is a nice way to start this letter, I am asking because I want to know,and I also want you to sit with yourself and check in on yourself.

It’s a new week and for some, it may be the start of something new but for others, same old, same old. I’m writing this to both the person starting this week on a new slate and the one repeating the same thing over and again. There is something about the way we think that is powerful enough to command the way people and our environment responds to us. i don't know what is is, but it's true. if you are happy inside, you tend to have a happy surrounding. Again, I don't know what it is or how to explain it.

If indeed our life starts with our minds, then maybe, just maybe we are powerful enough to choose what we get out of life and how we deal with the disappointing outcomes.

This week, I have chosen to act like I am living my best life and that I will get only positive feedback on all the doors I knock. I have also chosen to refuse to let anything other than me determine how I feel, so help me God.

This email is my invitation to you, to join me and be a little more positive and expect only good things this week. Let’s try the delulu route and see how it goes.

so, sis, are you in?

I will be sending in a long email on wednesday about abuse and our response as women. I will pour out my heart in that one… imagine how good it will be, for me to prepare you for it. Keep your eyes open.

Have a LOVELY and positively eventful week.

I love you, I mean it.

Love, Alice.

Remember, I love getting your feedbacks and replies. please do well to write me something.💕💕