- Alice.
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- How dare you ask?
How dare you ask?
Happy new week, Sis.
Hope you had some time to rest and have a good time over the weekend. I attended a wedding on Saturday. I got there after the reception was over 😢… well, I still had some time to hang out with the bride and catch up with a few of my secondary school classmates. It was fun!
Sometime last year, I was talking to God and in the same breath, I tried to make a request but something stopped me… it was my mind. I suddenly stopped praying and just got lost in thoughts. While I was trying to tell God what I wanted, there was this loud voice in my head asking me “what makes you feel you deserve that kind of blessing?” I entertained the thought and decided to be realistic. I looked around me and nothing about me or my life looked like I deserved the kind of life I was praying for. Like, how dare you ask, Alice?
Can you relate?
The Holy Spirit chastised me for thinking small. He reminded me of the FACT that God literally gave up his life so that I can have a relationship with him and I dare think there is anything too much to ask? I got reminded of the sacrifice Jesus had to make so I can even pray to a God in heaven by myself.
I mean, think of it this way, if you had all the money and influence in the world, would there be anything you would hold back from that person you love the most? Imagine they asked you for something that won’t cost you anything. Would you say no just because they were shy when they were asking??
Sis, this is exactly how God is to us. He will do anything for us if we have the audacity to ask. God is our father, quite literally. He is committed to meeting ALL our needs. If you can dream of it, God can bring it to fruition.
In fact, let me ask you, Who told you you deserve even the slightest good life you have? Who told you that you are any better than the person that wishes they had your life? Eh?? You cannot answer? Okay then, now open your mouth and ask for the most ridiculous things. You're asking your father. Your father literally owns the whole world.
Have you heard people say prayer works in you first, before it works for you? It’s actually true. A lot of times when people say that, they talk about Character development, they are correct but let me tell you this, prayer also helps you build capacity to contain the blessing you desire. So if you feel like you are too undeserving of something, go ahead and ask the father for it. Ask and watch him shift your mind and prepare you for the blessing before sending it.
Fine girllll PLEASE, desire the finer things of life, the things you only see in movies and read in books. Refuse to manage life because of what you see around you. It's your mind, use it to dream. Don't wait till you think you are ready before you present your dreams to God, tell him now let him prepare you.
Now say these with me:
I will ask for the things I don’t deserve.
I will ask for big things.
I will ask for the finer things of life.
I will not settle for my present “reality”.
I will always pick life’s best option, whether it suits me or not.
I love you and I will always be rooting for you, baby girl. Shine!
Love always, Alice.
PS: Thanks to everyone that replied to my last letter, I loved it. Please do write me a note if you can, i appreciate it💕